Supplier Forum

Supplier Forum 2022

ExxonMobil Guyana along with the Stabroek Block Co-venturers, with support from the Centre for Local Business Development, were delighted to host the Guyana Supplier Forum 2022 at the Leonora Stadium (National Track & Field Facility), West Coast Demerara, Region 3.


The Guyana Supplier Forum provided a unique platform for Guyanese suppliers to receive up-to-date information on the procurement process, key contacts, and upcoming tenders for 2022 and longer-term directly from ExxonMobil Guyana and its leading Prime Contractors for Offshore Oil and Gas and the Gas to Energy Project. The goal of the Forum was to provide Guyanese businesses with valuable insights and access to the activities that exist and are upcoming in the oil and gas sector.

About the Event

The Forum format had two distinct engagements – presentations and an exhibition. The presentations and booth exhibitors were made up of ExxonMobil Guyana, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Gas to Energy and Offshore Oil and Gas Prime Contractors. Day 1 was for invited businesses only, while Day 2 was opened to businesses and the general public. The Forum also had four recruitment agencies for individuals who attended in relation to employment vacancies on Day 2.

Presenters and Exhibitors

Local Content Secretariat

Gas to Energy Project

The  Gas-to-Energy pipeline project would be used to bring to land up to 140 million cubic feet per day of associated gas from ExxonMobil Guyana’s oil output in the Stabroek Block, mostly for generating up to 300 megawatts of electricity to be used both domestically and by industry, including ammonia and fertiliser production. Power demand in Guyana is forecast to triple in the next five years along with a fast-growing economy. The gas line is expected to have 120 miles offshore and another 10 to 15 miles onshore.