Women’s Entrepreneurship

Two women’s entrepreneurship programmes, Accelerate-Her and Road to Growth, will launch a joint call for applications in July 2021.

Accelerate-Her is the Centre ‘s new women entrepreneurship programme. Targeting local women owners, operators, and managers, it builds the leadership and business skills of women entrepreneurs in Guyana to help their companies grow across a wide variety of industries and sectors.

The programme is designed to empower women entrepreneurs from small and medium businesses who are seeking to grow, access new markets or increase efficiencies and innovation. It will accelerate business leadership through tailored training, one-on-one business advisory, mentorship, and fostering a strong enabling environment for women entrepreneurship.

Accelerate-Her is predicated on the successful mentorship and peer-learning models. A pool of professional mentors will be matched with Accelerate-Her participants based on their professional background and business-focus.

The programme is seeking motivated women entrepreneurs who recognize the value of an interactive and collaborative approach to grow their business acumen and entrepreneurial skills.

The Centre encourages local women entrepreneurs operating in any sector including tourism, agri-business, the food and beverage industry, travel and transport, and hospitality to apply.

Visit the Centre’s Accelerate-Her webpage for details on the application process and timeline.